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International Society of Go Studies

Report on the results of the 1st International Conference on Go Studies

/September 7, 2023

Report on the results of the 1st International Conference on Go Studies

The 1st International Conference on Go Studies was successfully held on August 31st, co-hosted with the Baduk Department of Myongji University. A total of 10 teams made academic presentations and a total of 11 Go promotion award poster presentations were made, and the promotion award prize went to 3 teams. For those who were unable to attend for various reasons, the presentation video was filmed with the help of Baduk TV and will soon be released on Youtube. For the news regarding this, please refer to the website (www.intergostudies.net).

In addition to the academic conference, we received written opinions on the “General Meeting Agenda” from the members who attended the conference. There were a total of 33 voting participants, which satisfied the quorum for the meeting of “Attendance of more than one-fifth of registered members (103 members) (Article 14 of the Articles of Incorporation)” and also satisfied the requirement of “Majority of those present” for each agenda item. The contents and results are attached as a separate sheet.


1. Starting next year (February 17, 2024), we have decided to collect a membership fee equivalent to 50,000 Korean Won from members residing outside of Korea who were exempt from membership fees until this year.

2. The Go Promotion Award, which was successfully held this year, has also been decided to continue as a project.

Now, this year's remaining project is to publish the second issue of the Journal of Go Studies. The deadline for the application submission is announced on the website as September 10th, but as the date was incorrectly reported in the media as September 15th, we will accept applications until September 15th. Topics unrelated to “artificial intelligence,” which was the theme of the conference, can also be submitted. We ask for your interest and participation.

In addition, next year's academic conference might be held in Toulouse, France, the venue of the European Go Congress, on August 7th. Possibility is under discussion. We would like to inform you in advance that we will not be able to invite scholars under the same conditions as this time since it is difficult to receive support from Myongji University and the Baduk Department like this year due to the change in the venue. However, the passion for Go in Europe is hotter than ever before, and we expect that this conference will be as interesting not only for Go skills but also for academic interest and research related to Go as in the three East Asian countries. Related news is also posted on the website, so please visit the website and check the news frequently.

Summer is not over yet and it is hot during the day. Please take care of your health during the change of seasons and enjoy the upcoming Chuseok holiday. Thank you.

September 6, 2023

Nam Chi-Hyung, president of International Society of Go Studies