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International Society of Go Studies

Go Education Communication Platform and Go Teacher Professional Enhancement

Chang Hsiao-Yin et al. /September 28, 2023

Title: Go Education Communication Platform and Go Teacher Professional Enhancement
Authors: CHANG Hsiao-Yin, LIN Hui-Ting, WU Chien-Lin, HUNG Yung-Hao
Country: Taiwan
Affiliation: Taiwan Weiqi Education & Development Association

▲ Go Education Communication Platform and Go Teacher Professional Enhancement

About the Authors:

CHANG Hsiao-Yin
◎Secretary-general of Taiwan Weiqi Education and Development Association
◎Doctoral candidate & Lecturer of Go Department of Korea Myongji University
◎Member of the Education Committee of the International Society of Go Studies
◎Principal investigator of the Taiwan Go Teacher Seminar
She used to be the Go promotion ambassador of the World Chinese Go Federation, and a lecturer at Fo Guang University. In 2015, she hosted the first Taiwan Go International Symposium. She has planned more than 30 large-scale Go events, served as the leader of Taiwan, more than 20 international exchange events, and written more than 80 Go reports.

LIN Hui-Ting
◎Deputy secretary-general of Taiwan Weiqi Education & Development Association
◎Co-principal investigator of Taiwan Go Teacher Seminar
As a contributor to the promotion of Go, she began to promote Go education in elementary schools in central Taiwan in 2004 and served as the executive director of Taiwan's oldest amateur competition "Guanyin Cup" for many years.

WU Chien-Lin
◎Deputy secretary-general of Taiwan Weiqi Education & Development Association.
◎Founder and principal of WUTU GO Academy, devoted to GO education in Southern Taiwan.
◎Co-principal investigator of the Taiwan Go Teacher Seminar.
WUTU GO Academy offers all-level Go courses, teaches thousands of Go students, hosts Go competitions, holds Go lectures with diverse issues, and has an enthusiasm for international Go exchanges in order to make Go more life-like so that more people can enjoy the fun of Go.

HUNG Yung-Hao
◎Director of Taiwan Weiqi Education & Development Association
◎Principal of the Yangmei Branch of the Central Go Academy
◎Host of the Taiwan Go Teacher Seminar.
As a contributor to the Go and AI field, he tested the Japanese AI Zen at the 2015 IEEE
Conference. With Taiwan's education transition to competency-based education in 2019, he created a unique high school course: "Go, AI and Technological Literacy." This course enhances understanding of life and technology via Go, cultivates logical reasoning, and boosts appreciation for East Asian Go culture.