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International Society of Go Studies

The 1st ISGS International Conference on Go Studies Schedule

Staff / July 13, 2023

The 1st ISGS International Conference on Go Studies

Go in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Date: August 31, 2023

Place: Myongji University Natural Science Campus (Yongin), Creative Arts Hall, Auditorium 2446

Organizers: International Society of Go Studies & Myongji University, Department of Baduk Studies

Sponsors: Myongji University, Department of Baduk Studies; Park Jungchae Honorary Advisor

Side Event: The 1st Go Promotion Awards

09:30-09:45 Registration

09:50-10:00 Welcoming Remarks by Prof. Nam Chihyung, President of ISGS

Session 1 Chair: Prof. Sun Dechang

10:00-10:20 Go Players Should Not Trust AI Win Rate - Dr. Quentin Rendu (Hamburg University of Technology)

10:25-10:45 A Statistical Analysis of Amateur Go Players to Assist AI-Cheating Detection in Online Go Communities - Theo Barollet (Independent Researcher), Colin Le Duc (Independent Researcher)

10:50-11:10 Research Trends on Go and Artificial Intelligence: What Can Anthropological Perspectives Contribute to the Existing Discourse? - Oh Chi-Min (Seoul National University)

11:15-11:35 Research on the Cross Cultural Communication Value and Integrated Communication Strategy of Go in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Chen Jinduo (Shanghai University)

11:40-12:00 AI-Driven Innovations in Taiwan's Go Industry: Opportunities, Challenges, and Global Implications - Chang Hsiao-Yin (Myongji University, Taiwan Go Education and Development Association), Prof. Hwang Yann-Jong (Chinese Culture University)

12:00-12:30 Q&A

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break, Poster Exhibition of the 1st Go Promotion Awards

Session 2 Chair: Dr. Bae Incheol

14:00-14:20 Analysis of the Knowledge Structure of Go – Prof. Li Zhe (Wuhan University)

14:25-14:45 Analysis of Solving Life-and-Death Problems on Deep Learning
- Shih Chung-Chin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University),
Dr. Wu Ti-Rong (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica),
Dr. Wei Ting Han (University of Alberta),
Dr. Guei Hung (Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica),
Hsu Yu-Shan (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University),
Prof. Wu I-Chen (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

14:50-15:10 The Changes of Go Knowledge Production in AI Era - He Jiuheng (Cornell University), Prof. Sun Yuan (Shanghai International Studies University)

15:10-15:30 Coffee Break

15:30-15:50 The Power of the Surrounding Game: Weiqi AI in Children's Multi-domain Learning - Prof. Sun Dechang (Shanghai Jian Qiao University)

15:55-16:15 A Survey on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Go Education - Prof. Daniela Trinks (Myongji University), Oh Chi-Min (Seoul National University)

16:15-16:45 Q&A

16:45-17:15 Awards Ceremony of the 1st Go Promotion Awards - Prof. Daniela Trinks, Education Chair of ISGS

Closing Speech by Prof. Nam Chihyung, President of ISGS

Registration Fee
Member KRW 10,000
Non-Member KRW 30,000

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